Moreno Valley, CA; Paris, France - Mandrakesoft, publisher of theMandrakelinux operating system, today announces adjustments in the2005 Mandrakelinux release schedule. Several changes will occur: (1) anew release cycle for retail products, (2) a new naming scheme, (3)the integration of Conectiva's technology into Mandrakelinux, and (4)the immediate availability of a transitional product.
These changes are motivated by several factors:
1. Requests from partners and distributors for a more convenient release cycle; for a long time, distributors and resellers have asked us to adopt a longer release cycle that is more adapted to their specific constraints.
2. Requests from users and customer for a greater investment of time into the development of new features and functions.
3. The opportunity, following the Mandrakesoft-Conectiva merger, to build an exciting new product that will integrate the best features from each of these distributions.
As a result, the new release cycle for products will be annual. Thischange fulfills the requirements of our channel partners and will giveus more time to invest in technology.
Taking into account this new schedule, product naming will henceforthbe based on year names. The next release will be in the fall and willbe named "2006".
Additionally, Mandrakesoft has decided to release a transitionalversion of Mandrakelinux in spring 2005. Built on the currentMandrakelinux development branch, this version will provide up-to-dateand newly released open source software, including KDE 3.3, GNOME 2.8and Firefox 1.0.1. This special version will be available as a DVD anda CD set through Mandrakestore and Mandrakeclub and as a download, butnot through retail channels.
The transitional version will be called "Limited Edition 2005".Later, by fall of this year, the new boxed "2006" release will fullyintegrate Conectiva technology and Mandrakesoft online services into anew product. It will be released through traditional retail channelsas well as by direct sale from Mandrakestore and Mandrakeclub, andwill offer all support options and related services.
François Bancilhon, CEO of Mandrakesoft, explained: "We needed atransitional version to give us the time to ensure good integration ofthe Conectiva technology into Mandrakelinux. That's the reason why wechose to release this "Limited Edition 2005". Additionally, we decidedto change the way we name the versions, because our users needed tobetter identify our releases. As a result, we choose a new yearlyrelease scheme."
Both the Limited Edition 2005 and the 2006 version will be released in32-bit and 64-bit editions.
2005 Roadmap Sumary:
Name: "Limited Edition 2005"
Expected date of release: Spring 2005
Technology: Based on current development branch
Support & Services: No
Release Channels: Mandrakeclub, Mandrakestore (DVD + 6 CD set)
Name: "2006"
Expected date of release: Fall 2005
Technology: Integrates Conectiva technology
Support & Services: Full
Release channels: Mandrakeclub, Mandrakestore, retail (DVD, Packs...)
About Mandrakesoft
Mandrakesoft is the publisher of the popular Mandrakelinux operatingsystem, one of the most full-featured and easy to use Linux systemsavailable. The company offers its enterprise, government andeducational customers a complete range of GNU/Linux and Open Sourcesoftware and related services. Mandrakesoft products are available inmore than 120 countries through dedicated channels and also, the company's online store. Number 1 in severalcountries, Mandrakesoft has won many awards for quality and technicalinnovation. "Born on the Internet" in late 1998, Mandrakesoft hasoffices in the United States and France. Mandrakesoft is traded onParis Euronext Marché Libre (ISIN Code: FR0004159382/MLMAN; Reuterscode: MAKE.PA) and the US OTC market (stock symbol MDKFF).
Press enquiries:
Gaël Duval
press at mandrakesoft dot com
+33-1 40 41 00 41
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