Managing one's finances is an unavoidable chore in life. You will need to employ it sooner or later, the sooner you try it, the better. Luckily, there is a great open source tool available for all your budgeting needs, GNUCash. It is available in Fedora's repositories. You can install it using Gnome Software or through the command line.
Virtualization software maker VMware is facing a lawsuit alleging that it has been violating the GPLv2 free software license for years with its use of Linux and other source code in ESXi.
Linux kernel developer Christoph Hellwig filed the suit in the district court of Hamburg, Germany with funding from the nonprofit Software Freedom Conservancy, which works to "promote, improve, develop, and defend" free and open source software.
Wireshark has been recently updated to version 1.12.4, a release that introduces a large number of improvements, addresses lots of bugs, and brings updated protocol support, as well as new and updated capture file support.
Friday, February 06 2015 @ 12:32 AM CST Contributed by: Linegod
I am always tweaking and tricking my bash environment. I hit the same issues again and again and I always have to look up the solution, time after time. This happens until I get annoyed enough to sit down - okay, generally I am already sitting down but you get the point - and create a custom function, put it in my .bashrc and deploy it to any machine I log on to.
Last year I wrote an article called "Analysis Of The Top 10 Linux Operating Systems".
The premise behind that article was to look at the top 10 distributions of 2013, as listed on Distrowatch, in order to define their suitability for the average computer user.
There was a little bit of confusion with that article because in the comments some people thought it was just a list of my favourite distributions:
Netflix streaming is finally working natively on Linux, without the need to trick the website in to thinking that you’re actually running a different OS. Streaming via Google’s Chrome browser is currently working on a few distros including Ubuntu, Fedora and the Ubuntu-based Mint. More distros are expected to be supported over time.